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Galician Folk Music by BellónMaceiras Trío

Recital given by BellónMaceiras Trío to a packed TSC Auditorium at Dhaka University on 31 January. This Trío is one of today’s leading Folkfusion in the traditional Galician music. They also give a master class for the students of Music Departament, head by Professor Taposi, and a talk for students of the Inditex Chair.

The BellónMaceiras Duo was formed in the spring of 2005 with the hopes of making an underdeveloped niche of the musical world more accessible—the bagpipes and the accordion—as these are two instruments representative of Galician culture. Their music is a fusion of different cultures, played with the Galician bagpipe / sax (Dani Bellón) and accordion (Diego Maceiras) without forgetting their classical training and the Celtic touch, by their Galician origin.

BellónMaceiras have three albums: Unión da Terras, Folkfusión and Ten.


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