On Friday, March 9, the 'Bangabandhu and Bangladesh Getting Closer to Spain' Seminar was held to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Bangladesh's independence and the centenary of the birth of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangabandhu, father of the Bangladeshi homeland, which coincides with the ten years of activity of the Inditex Chair of Spanish Language and Culture at the University of Dhaka. The Seminar was organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Bangladesh in Spain, with the aim of bringing the two countries closer from the cultural and social spheres.
The inauguration was presided over by the rector Antonio López of the USC with the intervention of Pilar García de la Torre, vice-rector for International Relations and Cooperation of the UDC and His Excellency the Ambassador of Bangladesh in Madrid, Mohammad Sarwar Mahmood. After the inauguration, the seminar began with the intervention of Professor Syed Anwar Hossain from Dhaka, who was followed by the presentation of the first ambassador of Spain in Bangladesh, Arturo Pérez Martínez. Next, professors Evaristo Zas from the University of A Coruña and José Virgilio Trabazo from the University of Santiago de Compostela spoke about Architecture and connections Languages. Finally, the Ambassador of Bangladesh closed the Seminar.